Our Causes
We Serve.
We screen for vision needs, collect and process eyeglasses, and help people in need access vision services.
The San Tan Valley Alpha Leo Club works with the Lions Club to recycle and sort plastic bottles and aluminum cans, as well as the recycling of bottle caps, pill bottles, and used eyeglasses.
We conduct food drives and donate the collection to a local food bank.
Childhood Cancer
Leos and Lions participate at the American Cancer Society’s annual Relay For Life
The San Tan Valley Alpha Leo Club is sponsored by the San Tan Lions Club and meets at Poston Butte High School. Leos help children in 3rd Grade reach literacy goals.
Children love reading to Lion Linda’s service dog
Humanitarian Aid
Lions crochet sleeping mats for the homeless, helps veterans, the elderly, and and donate to the Compassion Care Center and Redeemed Threads. The San Tan Lions is looking to participate in further services, such as dog walking and helping with the Catholic Community Services.
Disaster Relief
The San Tan Lions is beginning to enter into disaster relief, including helping residents of Eloy get through a week-long power outage in August.